Extract YouTube direct video url via Powershell

It's been a while since I've have had the opportunity to write any powershell. So I decided to do something before my muscle memory atrophies completely.

While I could not come up with a new problem to solve, I decided to re-visit my attempt at extracting the direct download url from a streaming service.I believe this is my 3rd attempt and its fast becoming my version of a "hello world" application. :)

Previously, I tried to implement and parse out the urls by myself. This version is not going to be as complex as I will be using the keepvid.com to do the heavy lifting.


Team Foundation Server - Service Accounts

Application Lifecycle Management is an area that I have been wanting to improve for a while now. And what better way to do it than getting my self certified in the Microsoft ALM exams. I have decided to create a series of posts dedicated to ALM and sort of my "Road to Certification" posts.

In this post, I provide an overview of the different accounts that are required for the installation and smooth operation of TFS.


I created this mind map that graphically illustrates the accounts and required permissions by the different services in order to help me remember all the dependencies.

TFS Accounts Overview

While the majority of production installations would be deployed in a multi-tiered environment, I would normally assume that all of the accounts listed above are part of the same domain (with the exception of DEPLOY account. I will discuss cross domain considerations in a different post).

While I will go into detail in future posts, but for the initial installation the following accounts are required:

  • TFSInstall - An installation account that would automatically be added as a TFS Administrator
  • TFSService - Used to run the Team Foundation Service
  • TFSReports - Used to run the SQL Server Reporting Service (SSRS)


Bookmarks Organizer Source Published

I have been meaning to do this for a while and now finally got around to cleaning up and publishing the source. This was the first Windows Phone app that I actually saw through to completion and was pretty proud of it at the time. You can find the original posts here and here

Although the popularity of the 7.x branch is on the decline, I hope someone would have use for it.

The project is now distributed via Github. Enjoy!