Deploy Dynamics CRM Solutions using VSTS and Octopus Deploy - Part 2 - Build

This is the second part of a series of posts where I attempt to deploy a Dynamics 365/CRM solution using Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) and Octopus Deploy (OD). Previously, I setup an OD server and integrated it with VSTS - the steps describe in that post act as a prerequisite for this one. In this post we go about modifying an existing Dynamics CRM build definition to automatically package the release-artifact and upload it to the OD server for deployment.

Related posts from the series:

Publishing Packages

There are a few different ways of getting a package into Octopus Deploy:

  • Remotely upload a package to Octopus Deploy's built-in repository.
  • Make octopus deploy pull packages from an external feed. Find more information here on setting up VSTS to publish an package feed.
  • Manually upload the package into the built-in repository.

And the method of publishing the package has no bearing on the end deployment -I chose to explicitly push to the remote octopus deploy server.

Updating the Build Definition

A quick summary of the notable steps in the existing build definition:

Existing Build Definition

  1. The actual msbuild command that is being used to build the solution.
  2. Copy the built artifacts to the staging folder.
  3. Explicitly Copy Deployment Scripts into the staging folder.
  4. Delete binaries (such as plugins and workflows) that have already been packaged as part of the solution package. As these serve no purpose in the final drop, I explicitly delete them to reduce the file size.
  5. Publish the files in the staging folder into the final drop artifact.

Review my previous post on setting up the build definition here.

Now let's start implementing the changes to the definition:

  1. Add the Package Application task.

    Add Package Application Task

  2. Configure the task by providing the following details:

    • Package ID : This is unique identification for the package. I provided gnxdemo.crm.
    • Package Format : Choose between NuGet and Zip. I chose NuGet.
    • Package Version : Configure this as appropriate. The generated package version should follow a valid SemVer versioning strategy.
    • Source Path : Set this to the $(build.artifactstagingdirectory)
    • Output Path : Set it to a dedicated folder within the staging directory. I used $(build.artifactstagingdirectory)\OctopusDeploy

    Configure Package Application Task

  3. Next, add the Push Package task.

    Add Push Package Task

  4. Configure the task by providing the following details:

    • Octopus Deploy Server : Choose the available server.
    • Package: This is the location of the package file. Since I am only creating a single package I setup the path resolution using a wildcard $(build.artifactstagingdirectory)\OctopusDeploy\*.nupkg

    Configure Push Package Task

  5. Remove the Publish Artifact: drop task as it is no longer necessary.

    Remove Publish Artifact Task

  6. Queue a new build to make sure that everything is in order.

    Queue New Build

  7. Log into the Octopus Deploy admin panel. Navigate to the Library > Packages and ensure that the package has successfully uploaded.

    Available Packages

That completes the changes to the build definition. In the next post I will go about configuring the environments, project definition and the deployment process within Octopus Deploy.


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